The Course

Imaginez pouvoir converser avec aisance lors de votre prochain voyage à Londres ou rédiger des e-mails impeccables à vos collègues internationaux. C’est ce que ce programme vise à vous enseigner, en plongeant au cœur de la langue de Shakespeare adaptée spécialement pour les locuteurs français. Grâce à une série d'ateliers dynamiques, vous allez maîtriser les subtilités de l'anglais tout en éliminant les erreurs courantes que font souvent les francophones. Des règles de grammaire aux expressions idiomatiques, chaque leçon est conçue pour renforcer vos compétences et booster votre confiance.

Saisissez l'opportunité de rehausser votre profil professionnel et d'enrichir vos expériences de voyage. Que vous envisagiez de travailler pour une compagnie multinationale ou simplement de profiter des œuvres de la littérature anglaise dans leur texte original, les avantages de maîtriser cette langue mondiale sont illimités. Les compétences que vous développerez ici ne se limiteront pas à l'écrit et à l'oral; elles s'étendront à une meilleure compréhension culturelle qui ouvre des portes sur la scène internationale. Alors, prêt à franchir le pas linguistique qui pourrait transformer votre façon de communiquer?

What you will learn

When I first began putting this course together, I made sure to include everything you would need for a smooth and engaging start in your English-learning journey. You're going to find that the lessons are thoughtfully constructed, with a clear progression that’ll make each new concept feel like a natural step forward. We’ll be covering all the essential vocabulary and grammar, tailored to native French speakers, so you can make connections between your first language and English more easily. Plus, the course is packed with plenty of practical exercises and cultural insights, making it not only helpful but also incredibly enjoyable. We've organized the materials to ensure that you can always find exactly what you need when you need it, keeping your learning experience streamlined and free from hassle. I'm excited to guide you through every step of the way, and I'm confident that you'll find this structured yet flexible approach to be a powerful ally in your language learning adventure!


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Your instructor

Fortified with a Master's degree in French and English from France, I have honed my pedagogical expertise across diverse settings, including prominent institutions like UC Irvine and Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles. My journey has been enriched by founding a tutoring business where I've had the privilege of instructing a plethora of students - from those attending prestigious high schools throughout Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, and further afield, to adults making their mark in various high-stakes professions like the entertainment industry, law, medicine, and business, alongside notable political figures.

My teaching philosophy is deeply intertwined with a passion that transcends linguistic barriers, fostering not just learners but future multilingual communicators. The highlight of my career remains the personalized touch I bring to each lesson, which was recognized when I had the honor of teaching the daughter and grandson of French President Chirac. I am committed to sharing this passion and expertise to help francophone students master the English language in ways that are engaging, effective, and culturally enriching.


A Complete Guide to Mastering English for French Speakers


Real-World Applications of English for Francophones

Engaging English Learning Experiences for Francophone Students